Thursday, July 10, 2008

Can I Get My Eyebrows Wax After Tanning


A moment of personal satisfaction
the proposed
When they said no. Not possible. That there was like.

tore Lawyers, angry, stylish ties and cried out that's absurd!

Religious consulted, it is it sin?

Scientists smiled, hesitated environmentalists, politicians saw the polls.

miners, oilmen, loggers, sighed a sigh of relief that does not happen.

Yet they are proposed.

for indigenous people was obvious. Why not recognize it? Asked.
What can not take them because it's just one thing? Of course not. It is not something, someone and it is our mother whom we call by its proper name, Pachamama, they answered. They went to Montecristi leaders and scholars to explain, with arguments and with rites which for them was so natural. That the mother has rights that children should respect.

The proposal advanced.

They spoke with authorities, had breakfast with Assembly members, it was explained to the tables, he became convinced advisers. President Acosta was played for them.

press echoed. The people discussed in the streets, experts spoke, the authorities were sensitized.

Predators began to worry.

Galeano wrote an article, the MARUJITA took to the radios, the musicians made songs the players got the shirt.

Environmentalists stopped doubting.

drafts circulated, discussed mechanisms, the principles discussed. The articles began to take shape.

Politicians continued to see the polls.

Finally, on Monday, July 7, 2008, the National Constituent Assembly of Ecuador recognized the rights of nature.

There will be space and time to analyze the scope of this recognition in the context of a world frightened by climate change.

For now, a moment of deep satisfaction for a collective effort that she, in his unfathomable awareness, surely appreciate.
Mario Melo


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