In a cafeteria in the morning, a young couple (Pumpkin and Honey Bunny) breakfast and discuss the possibility storm the cafeteria where they are. Finally he decided to do it and make it even at that moment.
Vincent Vega and Jules are two mobsters paid professional. Talk about unimportant things like small daily differences can be discerned between Europe and America. The conversation is unusual to be a conversation between two thugs who are about to make a heist that follows proves to be a reckoning. Apparently wanted to play smart with his boss, Marsellus Wallace magnanimous. Must recover a briefcase that belongs to Marsellus and who may have wanted steal. No one knows what is in the bag, but it appears that it contains something valuable. As they head to their destination, talk about Tony. Apparently, Tony gave her a foot massage to Marsellus Wallace's new wife and have thrown out a window, from a fourth floor. Disagree about the severity of the lack of Tony.
Once they arrive at the apartment, burst into the room and discharged their weapons without mercy. One of the young remained hidden and it takes them by surprise, dumping six shots on them. Miraculously, none of the shots hurt Vincent or Jules. Both are perplexed by what happened. It removed, leading to Marvin with them. Marvin is the only survivor.
Vincent Vega buy and inject heroin at the home of Lance, a professional dealer who has a close relationship to friendship. That same night, Vincent Vega is a quote she gets quite anxious: You must take a walk with Mia, the wife of jealous boss. Mia wants to go to eat at a restaurant retro. Have a good time talking about unimportant things, while they get used to each other. Vincent gets a little more seriously and asks for your opinion on what happened to Tony. Mia deny that the rumor is true. The conversation has managed to break the ice. Mia asked Vincent to go dancing and do. It could be said to have had a pleasant evening. Vincent accompanying Mia to her home. Plans to have a drink with her and then he knows he must leave, because it is the wife of the leader and not engage more than necessary.
While Vincent is in delay in the bathroom, Mia wants to smoke a cigarette lighter to look into the bag of Vincent, discovered the heroin, cocaine confusing. Aspira a line and collapses immediately. Vincent emerges from the bathroom when you are in a terrible state. If something happens to Mia, Vincent is a dead man. Lance decides to go, but Lance does not seem too inclined to cooperate. However Vincent enlists the help of Lance, which has a syringe with epinephrine somewhere, for unforeseen emergencies. They give the injection and Mia is reset. All have been scared to death.
Mia Vincent returns to his home. Without having the intention to have had a particularly eventful night and has been an unforgettable night of a twisted way. Indeed, both prefer to keep what happened a secret. Both would be wrong to Marsellus Wallace if the matter came to be known. The secret between them becomes a link to a privacy concern.
Butch, a professional boxer, it must be won. Marsellus Wallace had fixed the result but Butch does not respect the agreement. Once in the ring, not only refuses to be outdone, but even killing blows to his opponent. Escapes in a taxi before you take up Marsellus. Everything has been part of a planned scam. Butch has betrayed his word for money. Get to the hotel where Fabienne awaits his bride. Everything seems to be going well. However, Fabienne has forgotten to bring the watch's father Butch. The clock has a symbolic value. Butch is unable to ignore the issue. By the clock back even when this means risking his own life.
Once home, surprises Vincent Vega in his own bathroom. Was standing guard without too many expectations. In fact, it was ridiculous to think that Butch would return to his home. Against all odds, is what he has done and why it has caught unawares Vincent. Without wanting to, shoots Vincent. It was not planned that to happen, but it's do or die. Butch recovers the clock from his father and leaves home.
just quieter, driving your car with the intention to continue as soon as possible with your plan, such as planned and before I can do anything, watches from his car at the very Marsellus Wallace. Both are surprised each other. Butch runs over Marsellus, when a car hit by the car of Butch. Both are stunned by the blow. Regaining consciousness, Butch watches at gunpoint Marsellus. In haste, Butch takes refuge inside a pawnshop. Marsellus gives chase, but Butch knows how to defend. While in battle, Maynard, the store owner decides to end the lawsuit, at gunpoint. Hits both and left them unconscious. Then a colleague called Zed. Maynard and Zed have plans to sadistic Marsellus and Butch. When wake up, both are found handcuffed in the basement of the store, become an SM dungeon. Butch and Marsellus sisters feel the terror that they cause the unusual situation where they are. Zed and Maynard begin their sessions of torture and sodomy with Marsellus. While engaged in it, Butch escapes. It's almost out of the store when he understands that, despite everything, can not go and leave Marsellus with that pair of perverts. Notes available objects involved can come to serve. Finally given a samurai sword. With her back to Marsellus and saves. After the episode, Marsellus is unable to feel the same grudge against Butch. Spares his life. In return, Butch never want to tell a single word of what he saw and asked to leave the city immediately. Butch served Zed's bike and returns to his girlfriend.
Having left unscathed from the shots Jules like a miracle. Perhaps God has given you a second chance to rebuild their lives. Jules seriously consider leaving the profession. While traveling in the car, Marvin Vincent tries to involve in the discussion you have with Jules about the experience they've been through. Vincent's gun is triggered involuntarily and Marvin brains end up on the rear window of the car. Since then he has been an accident. Can not continue travel without raising suspicion. They are in a neighborhood that do not know anyone and must get rid of the corpse as soon as possible. Jimmie Jules recalls a friend who lives in the area. Called by telephone. You need only pay the garage for a while. Jimmie believes Jules, but his wife is about to return from work and knows that if his wife finds out, their marriage will be irretrievably lost and Jimmie does not want that to happen. Jules promises that will not happen. Before Jimmie's wife returns, they'll be gone. Jules calls Marsellus Wallace by phone and explains the situation. Marsellus reassured. He says he sent the Wolf to take over everything.
A few minutes later the Wolf makes his appearance. A professional dedicated to resolving such conflicts. El Lobo act quickly and efficiently. In a few minutes controlling the whole situation. Know of a place to get rid of the corpse. Know how to hide the blood of the car, to go unnoticed. Jules and Vincent are set to clean the car with Jimmie cleaners. The blood-stained clothes, and towels end up in a garbage bag next to the corpse in the trunk of the car. Jimmie Jules gives them some clothes and his Vincent. The appearance of them is funny. The operation is a success. Within minutes there are no more traces of body. Jules and Vincent accompany the Wolf to the junkyard where he will address the body.
A little relieved, Jules and Vincent decide to go to breakfast, before taking the case to Marsellus. While breakfast, a young couple decides to robbery. (This is Pumpkin and Hony Bunny, the characters that the story has started). Pumpkin attempt to steal the suitcase Jules, but it's just a petty thief and Jules is a professional gangster. Not only dominates the situation, but, if he wished, could end the life of Pumpkin at any time, but do not want to, because that very day feel sensitive.
spared him Pumpkin, but does not allow you to steal the briefcase under any pretext. The thieves removed the premises. Then, Jules and Vincent also decide to leave. Customers have been puzzled.
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