Monday, October 4, 2010

Sample Mails For Baby Arrivals

As if on wings

"One of these mornings you will rise singing, then stretch your wings and get away to heaven ..."

I called to appear before the company commander. The U.S. military was aware that I was only sixteen. If at that time told him he did not want to go enlisted, could license automatically. I refused his offer and returned to my battalion.

I came to a gate whose sign said BANDA DEL 28 ° ARMY. I entered a room where a sergeant clutter tough-looking face had not smiled in his life sat behind a desk in a corner. When I looked, I began to talk. Do not stop until I heard him say that again the next morning to talk with the first trumpet in the band. I was not without thank you wholeheartedly, eager to return soon. The first trumpet was to be a very friendly guy. After hearing me play a few minutes, I said enough, Chet. Sergeant solicit the transfer order.

In late October I had an appendicitis attack and spent sixty days in the hospital. Then I was sent to Camp Kilmer, to sign off on the military. Was more than ready. It was great to come home. In the year 49 I decided to take advantage of the benefits to which I was aspiring my time in the infantry, so I enrolled in college in Lawndale. My main area of \u200b\u200bstudy would be the music. While attending school I met Andy, who played the bass. He was thirty-something and had been in the Navy, where he lost a leg. I was so smugly with his wooden leg. We became friends and invited me to play occasionally with his band. Andy was also the first that put me in contact with marijuana, blessed be.

I get the feeling that most people unimpressed with only three things: how fast you play, you get treble the force and volume that serves the instrument. To me this is infuriating, but now I have much more experience and have come to understand that probably not even two percent of the public knows hear properly.

I decided to get out of house and settled down with some types of the wildest imaginable. Jimmy was a battery of unusual talent, was completely ambidextrous and reputed to have spent the biggest penis west of Sierra Madre. Manuel was an impertinent hung nothing to do with music. Its main purpose in life did not seem be another to find out how much was able to smoke marijuana before the Second Coming of Christ.

A day in the summer of 52 I came home and found a telegram on the door. Charlie Parker said it would hold an audition for trumpet, looking for one for a few dates at various locations in California. The hearing would take place that day. I hurried all I could and I arrived a little late. Upon entering the twilight of the room, I gathered a Bird on stage, flying in full blues. I saw someone coming on stage and say something to Bird. I was very nervous when he asked if I was in the room and whether it was dispuesto a subir a tocar con él. Se saltó a un montón de instrumentistas, algunos de los cuales tenían más experiencia que yo. Tocamos dos temas. Después, anunció que la audición había terminado, dió las gracias a todos y dijo que me contrataba para la gira.

Bird era un instrumentista impecable y aunque se metía droga a cucharadas y bebía sin parar, daba la impresión de que todo aquello no le producía el menor efecto. Me maravillaba la resistencia de aquel hombre. Habíamos terminado una pequeña gira por San Francisco y Vancouver e íbamos a hacer la tercera noche en un Club, cuando nos despidieron. Lo que pasó fue que durante el día se había held a fundraising telethon for muscular dystrophy and were invited to the program. When, at night, we ended the first set in the Club, Charlie announced to customers that the manager of Club earmark part of the proceeds to the Muscular Dystrophy Association. He did so at your own risk, without speaking to the manager of the Club. As expected, the manager refused to release the money. People began to boo and hit the tables. Nearly a good arm. Thus ended our contract.

That night, Bird had to sleep with a lit cigarette in his hand and caught fire in the mattress. Was stay at a hotel across the street and woke up the arrival of the fire and the subsequent launch Bird mattress through the window. Bird was impossible to pass a single moment of boredom.

Thanks to everyone who came out yesterday ... see you on Sunday 10/10 in Virasoro, with Great for the city. Greetings. I love them.


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