A bookcase is a kind of priest of a pagan cult, since that eroticism can be seen as a peculiar psychological condition human, susceptible to produce unlimited pleasure through the only means of intellectual excitement.
stimulation can produce imagination is the most powerful of all possible forms of stimulation. A bookseller is someone who can pass from one world to another. Someone who is able to run on the narrow limit of the imaginary and real.
The inclination or preference of the imaginary against real is not an isolated case. Erotic literature can function as a remedy to the frustrating reality. Desires, fantasies, the only thing that seems to have no limit.
Some people believe that the bookseller is part of a strange and secret world where vice reigns. And maybe so, because collecting is a kind of vice, as is the thirst for knowledge, craving to stimulate the imagination and thought.
Coppens tells how once it has entered into a bookstore where a Vietnamese agreed to take pictures racy, to the delight of the salesperson, who then sell on the black market. While Coppens can not hide his excitement and excitement at the spectacle that is casual witness, the bookseller partner is indifferent. Perhaps because of the habit.
Coppens talks to the bookseller on perversions and customers and other strange characters, the special gallery erotica consumers. Coppens remember that once a collector wanted to get rid of his collection, but no great commercial value, since all specimens were damaged by choice. The customer would have maimed all the margins of books, in a bizarre manifestation of fear of castration.
Moreover, Coppens think it is good for man to rebel against the limits imposed on it and it is natural to try to transfer them. Therefore it is necessary that the bookseller has no scruples. Coppens started in the craft out of necessity. If it had been a wealthy businessman, had just become a collector, but as their financial resources were limited, had to engage in the profession to have access to all these works who stole his dream.
ever tried to persuade Coppens to abandon his penchant for erotic literature. Sometimes the arguments were compelling. Others simply a manifestation of the narrow-mindedness that characterizes a certain sector of right-thinking bourgeoisie. The truth is that, with erotic literature, curiosity begins and ends truly possessed. This passion pervades the whole being.
Coppens I have told that pornography has only one purpose: to encourage the baser instincts of man, which prevents him from seeing the crucial element of sex. Coppens think, certainly, life involves two irreconcilable elements, lust and love.
Pornography does not satisfy man, left in a state of deep frustration that always leads him to seek new sexual experiences.
Coppens tells the story of the fraudulent priest who founded the Byzantine Russian Gnostic Church, on an ideological basis immoral, however, enjoyed great wealth and acceptance among many acolytes.
A crazy imagination always draws fans. The priesthood of the protagonist of the story of Coppens started his career by chance. One day she dressed in the habits of a cure for a costume party and no longer separated from his disguise. By accident or by chance, the star said he had found his true vocation. What is the most outrageous when you consider that this character turns out to be an alcoholic and a homosexual who does not leave or abandon their customs for the duration of the exercise of their religion.
Then Coppens describes his sexual adventures, stories of sex and excess of which has been an avid player or spectator. Even the most inhibited people are prone to yield to the collective delusion. Coppens has witnessed numerous orgies and casual volunteers, which has had the opportunity to meet remarkable characters in a context unusual.
While most unusual character may be a former editor, obsessed with lesbianism, whose highest aspiration in life is to have the opportunity to behold two sisters cuddling and kissing in front of him. His obsession was so great that it has undermined all his accomplishments and commercial successes. The comfort of a paid service can never meet a situation that deserves to be genuine.
pornography, the occult and surrealism seem cut from the same cloth. Reveal a human tendency toward the bizarre and abominable. Coppens is equally interested in all the oddities of the human race.
Any thing of beauty is a joy forever. Coppens customers, crazy about the book is lacking. Collectibles literature with homosexual themes of sadomasochism. A couple with strange rituals. Good business. A manuscript of Ashbee lost by accident. A suicide incestuous love object whose reverence is lost forever.
All haphazardly, by the memories of a bookseller pornographer. All clients, acquaintances, friends. All passions, fantasies, successes and failures, the possible and the impossible. All parade and explodes. In one of the possible expressions of the myth of universal orgasm.
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