"I have something that undermines my head. I see elephants fly, I crawl soles, I lit darkness. On all fours, I dance a leech whose hair floating in the wind, its teeth grinding steel and drink liquids stars ... "
Isaac Asimov, in his book a hundred basic questions about science, makes mention the phenomenon of simultaneous discovery. Many examples illustrate this curious phenomenon. A scientist develops a theory about such a thing and at the same time and without any no relationship between a scientist and another, on the other side of the map, another scientist develops the same theory. Incredibly, this is a widespread phenomenon in the world of science. Perhaps in the world of art. But the phenomenon of "creative simultaneity" in the art world with little discussion and less speculation.
Moreover, Montaigne teaches that there is more distance between a man of genius and an ordinary man, that between an ordinary man and a chimpanzee. Ergo, the mind of great men, those enlightened minds who knew how to have a privileged few, are susceptible escape the understanding of satin. Maybe the so called, geniuses are, ultimately, elusive. The naivety makes us gullible. Skepticism makes us cynical. The truth is that many times, as a society, we tend to build myths whose justification is likely to be questioned. The curious thing is that many times are examples, are evidence, documents, would come to doubt the integrity of certain myths and yet the myths do not die.
So said, looks like I'm talking about in the air, but I'm not doing. Think for yourself. I bet you will find thousands of examples. For Moreover, no matter how much this curious phenomenon occurs. What matters is to admit that it happens. Incredibly, most people refuse to admit that the myths they believe they have no grip. The arduous task of trying to understand the world becomes less daunting when you adhere to the majority opinion. But we must not forget that the majority can be wrong. This is important. This is fundamental. The world is not just in our noses.
Anyway, sorry for the ramble, but I had to say. Here is an amazing scientific discovery:
Sapho Princess Tutu.
The metaphysical background of the brothels of Paris. Mauri Noirof falls in love with a piece of brick. Mind is scattered. Coachmen give trouble. Either a misunderstanding or a scam, they take their money and useless. Mauri Noirof wanders the boulevards. The discovery of the pleasures of the brothel's new for Mauri Noirof. So far, he had been chaste. His father died in an accident and was raised by his mother, graduating in Engineering. However, you feel lost about their ambitions and personal desires. Talk to his mother, who is in love. His mother waste time speculating on potential deals of dubious effectiveness. Business proposed by Jardisse, old acquaintance Noirof Mauri, objectionable.
The Laying is an old gambler, who Noirof Mauri has an unstable relationship. Mauri Noirof wanders through the bars of Paris, transformed by bizarre characters. The artist often interpret complex slapping songs, giving slaps on her cheeks flushed, which usually entertain the casual audience. The Bishop of Djurdjura hosts an endless party. Mauri Noirof Herminia know, a fat alcoholic who is to inherit much money from an aunt. Mauri Noirof agrees to marry her, interest.
Noirof Mauri conversation with God himself, who admits feeling disgusted by men. Herman said he does not think having sex, because it is a sin and she is chaste and pure. Then he meets Noirof Mauri Mani-Mina, a freak, and love. Mani-Mina is a woman with two heads, four legs, four arms, one hip and one stomach. Mauri actually sympathizes Noirof only with the right side. He proposes to indecency. One side wants, but the other does not.
ends up sleeping with the Laying, who has had surgery to have milk in the breasts, which feeds his snakes. After a confusing episode, Mauri just stopped by the police. However, then it is invited to become Minister. Mauri Noirof position he assumes. Mani-Mina is pregnant. In fact, become pregnant only one of the Siamese twins. It is likely that the other dies in childbirth. Or perhaps both. Noirof Mauri, to take over the small, choose to undergo the same operation that would have put the hens.
Messe Malou, scientist performing the operation, is a sinister and bizarre. He has invented a tree that engenders human fetuses and feeding urinating at his feet. The operation is a success. In his role as Minister Mauri Noirof Noirofina invents a guillotine to amputate the limb of male adulterers. Mauri Noirof shares with his mother a secret pleasure and obscene. Like to eat and drink dead brains of patients phlegm. The baby who has Mani-Mina is a mutant monster. Siamese quadruplets. Mani-Mina has died in childbirth and his corpse, staged a work of art of imitation that have been sold at a great price in an art gallery.
The baby is very difficult to feed. Finally ill and dies. Herminia had been unfaithful to Muaria of Noirof with Jardisse. Each time you go to make excuses saying charity was with Jardisse, behind Noirof Mauri. The truth is revealed just before they both die. Mauri asks his mother to join the flesh and her mother agrees. Come together in a kiss disgusting.
It is incredible that an author has put together such a work in 1891, but more incredible is that it has not been reprinted until 1991 and even more amazing is that most are not mentioned in any catalog, no test critical in any history of literature.
Perhaps, out of context, does not seem so incredible. But it is a text written in prose totally insane, ridiculous, irreverent, totally transgressive at the time and why not also transgressive at present, given that the irreverence is manifested preset models. Any member of absurd humor has an outstanding debt to the text. Absolutely original text. I think this is a text written before anything of Georges Bataille, André Breton, Alfred Jarry, Raymond Roussel's. Before there was surrealism, pataphysical, el dadaísmo, el dodecafonismo y que, sin embargo, remite indefectiblemente a todas esas cuestiones.
En lo que a mí respecta, iría ahora mismo a comprarme un ejemplar, si no fuera porque ya tengo uno.
Gracias Club Burton por el hallazgo.
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