The drunk who has had the experience of nihilism faces a solitary adventure in the desert without gods.
The vices of man provide proof of their eagerness to infinity. Humans have resorted to the pharmacy to escape, if only for a few hours, their home of mud and suddenly reach paradise. At its end, the drunk comes to deify, how to dream God. The unbridled lust of infinity not only because of habit, but a source of tragedy and metaphysical illusions, pain, deceit and deception.
The intoxication of sexual excitement, marks the end of procreation, drunkenness generated by certain substances relieves pain, soothes the mind or spirit engenders. However, the game is defined by the absence of purpose or, rather, to transform the play activity in their own end. We get drunk just because, for the sheer pleasure of intoxication. Sexual orgasm is the basic form of experience drunkenly existence.
'm mystical, but I believe in nothing.
Our waking consciousness, normal, rational consciousness is called, is only a particular type of consciousness, while above it, separated by the thinnest film, there are ways potential of consciousness entirely different. The universe contains only sober conscience and reference objects, subject to a categorical scheme, but also a plurality of consciousnesses to which you can access using the appropriate stimulus.
The need of drunkenness, such as religion, born of suffering humanity.
The person who enjoys the benefits of comfort and assurance, seems to transform the pain apparently tricked into tedium and boredom.
The emergence of the avant-garde planetarization and art are the last spasms of a dying civilization, who wants to light a new determination of the human essence. What impulse hidden human animal has to set up, metaphorically, engrendrar a fictional universe and meaning? Is not it a puzzle that humans forge art works and need to live?
The brain does not make man a being obsessed with biological survival, but a creative animal. The modern state wants to tame potentially creative brains, mutational and revolutionaries.
Rhapsody The drunken accept as legitimate kind of experience in the confusion of consciousness.
Being suitable for reproduction technique, the work of art loses its aura, becoming a commodity or object of consumption for a mass society. The experience of inebriation also suffers from atrophy of his aura in the age of chemical synthesis and mass consumption.
is a misconception that the thirst of the drunkard is a thirst for liquids. It consists of a nostalgia for the spirit worlds. This kind of hunger can not be appeased so easily ...
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