Karl Rossman, sixteen, was sent to America by his parents because a maid had seduced him and would have had his child. On landing, notes that he has forgotten his umbrella in the cabin. Asks a friend to look after the bag while the umbrella back. Lost the way and just next to the ship's fireman, who immediately Karl begins to talk about their problems. The fireman has a conflicted relationship with their work and conditions. Karl agrees with the problem and insists fireman intercede for him with the authorities of the boat. Is brought before the authorities and improvises a speech in favor of the stoker. However, the stoker does not seem very convincing at the time to present their own defense. The situation created is tense. Unexpectedly, Jakob (one of the high command of the ship) claims to be the uncle of Karl. The unresolved status of the stoker is displaced by the unusual meeting.
Jakob, Karl's uncle, takes charge of his nephew. Their economic situation is excellent. Karl gradually settles into its fortunate and unexpected new life marked by luxury and comfort. Jakob teaches your business, your lifestyle. Pollunder presents to a friend. Pollunder invites Karl to his country house. Jakob is reluctant to give permission to Karl, but agrees with Karl's insistence on going to the cottage Pollunder. Once there, Karl meets Klara, daughter of Pollunder and Mr. Green, a friend who has just unexpectedly go visit. Karl does not like Mr. Green and Klara not sit well. Karl is going through a veiled disgust. Karl wants to return. Mr Green says he has important news for Karl, but must wait until midnight. It is Jakob's letter which says that for him desobecido, Karl and should not return to it, it will not be well received.
Mr. Green is available to Karl and never recovered the suitcase open that Karl would have been shipped. The case of Karl is now his entire fortune. Karl will have to start from scratch. In a small-time tavern, he met Robinson and Delamarche, planning to travel to Butterford, hoping to get a job. Karl can go with them, if desired. His questionable friends have no qualms about using the money to Karl, promising to replace it in the future. Karl and lets them make the journey. On one occasion, his friends Karl force the suitcase in his absence. Karl discovers, with horror, the photo has disappeared from their parents. The incident not like it to Karl, who finally broke with his fellow travelers. The head chef of a hotel where he has gone in search of food is very nice to Karl and invites him to stay. Karl is admitted as an elevator in the hotel and may have a shared room with other employees of the hotel.
After some time, Robinson's entire fortune and decides pestering Karl, while Karl is still in service. Asks for money, it annoys. Robinson shows signs of being drunk. Decomposes. Karl wants to assist and to do, is absent without leave from his post for a few minutes, with the misfortune of being caught by his superior. Karl Robinson would have led to his room, where he clashed with Karl roommates. Karl accused. The head chef finds the entire incident, Karl is in serious trouble. Karl decided to fire immediately. Soon, the discredited Karl is on the street and, last but not least, should be responsible for Robinson, mistreated by his aggressive roommates. Karl hire a taxi to take him home Robinson. Robinson now lives with Delamarche, which has an affair with a singer in decline.
Karl has no money to pay the taxi. Police intervention, Karl flees. Delamarche interceding on their behalf and invites him to stay with them at home Brunelda. Apparently Delamarche Brunelda's boyfriend and Robinson became the assistant or servant Brunelda. Karl Robinson wants to replace him in this arduous task. Brunelda temperament is unbearable. Karl does not know anything. However, you can not leave the department. Withheld against their will. Karl tries to escape, but can not. For now, Karl seems resigned to go there. Night falls. While others sleep, Karl speaks from balcony to balcony with a neighbor, a student, which puts aware of their situation. The neighbor advised to reconsider the offer you have made. Perhaps, after all, not a bad idea to stay there as a servant. Karl ignores him, but then discovers that Brunelda is really unbearable. Moody, hysterical, whimsical. Karl feels miserable.
posthumous fragment (incomplete): Karl warns a sign on the street where recruit interested to join the great theater of Oklahoma. The poster says that anyone applying for a position will be admitted. Karl is presented there. Have turned the race track in an office with staff deployment of immense proportions. However, apparently there are only two applicants for employment, counting it himself. Karl should have been submitted for your records, but have forgotten. He invents a fictitious name because it distrusts the good faith of the company, but then repents. Apparently, the great theater of Oklahoma is a reputable company. At least delivers what it promises. Karl is hired and meets an old colleague from the hotel at the welcome luncheon. Within minutes, leave the train to Oklahoma.
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