The story is told by Harry Houdini. Set in the year 1907, Gotham City. Vale journalist interviewing Harry Houdini, the feeling of the moment. Although the press does not seem so interested in the world's most famous escape artist, as in the mysterious disappearance of children who terrorize the city. An evil character named Shaden Freude (the Joker) seems to be behind the abductions of children. However, when Batman has a chance to hunt him down, he slips through your hands. The press accuses Batman of being to blame for the kidnappings.
At a meeting of high society, Bruce Wayne knows the journalist Vale and the famous magician Houdini. On this occasion, the master of ceremonies is the mysterious extrovert "Baron of Beef." Millionaire owner of the refrigerator Montenegro. It invites Bruce Wayne to the theater to see Medea. Once there, they decide to greet the actress, Leonora Reinhardt, who invited them both to a seance. Bruce Wayne admits to being a scientist, but they will not match the invitation of a lady.
Tracks that are left Shaden Freude Houdini to the fridge Montenegro. Once there, Houdini meets Batman, who is also there on the trail of Shaden Freude. Houdini is that Batman is the enemy and attacks him. While Thus, the real common enemy has escaped. Houdini has been impressed after seeing Batman in action, I suggest they work together, but Batman disappears before giving a response.
Ellenore Reinhardt In both Bruce Wayne and Houdini are caught with a seance which seems authentic. Both are disturbed. Houdini confesses to Bruce who has guessed the true identity of Batman. Both agree to work together on this occasion. They have to stop Shaden Freude. Find him and together they put out of action, yet it is clear that the connection between the demonic Shaden Freud and the mysterious Baron.
Houdini and Batman decide to make a visit to the Baron, who had the idea to kidnap particular Vale ignoble purposes. Apparently, the Baron is not just a wealthy eccentric, but a truly dark figure. Sinister. Is the real demon behind the disappearance of children, together with the talented Leonora Reinhardt, with whom he shares a dark secret: They are vampires.
Can Batman and Houdini to end the nightmare and rescue dark Vale before it is too late?
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