In December 1928, Dorothy gave birth to premature twins Phil and Jane. Phil survives, Jane dies within weeks. Jane's death will affect lifetime Phil.
Phil's parents divorced when Phil has five. Phil's mother gives her son some predilection for reading and classical music. Move to Berkeley. At twelve years, Phil is a passionate reader of Poe and Lovecraft. At thirteen he has his first experiences as a writer for the local newspaper. The editor may require you to be more realistic. Phil was disappointed and publishes its own magazine, which had a single number.
Phil was disorganized, introverted, apathetic and anxious. At fourteen years old, his mother takes him to visit a psychiatrist. At sixteen, Phil is a part-time job in a music store. Then he goes to live with a somewhat bohemian students, expanding their literary tastes and preferences.
Phil has his first sexual experience with a client of the store. He married her and move in together, but marriage wrecked in an instant. They have no affinity. Then, Phil knows Kleo, his second wife, also in the record store. This time, ensures before sharing the same literary and musical tastes. Boucher, a customer at the record store, it being a science fiction writer of slight importance. Kleo reach Boucher makes a story that Phil had written. In 1951, the magazine that wrote Boucher, Phil published that story and then decide their fate: to become a writer.
quit his job at the record store to pursue writing full time. From 1952 to 1955, Phil manages to live off the money you earn by selling their stories. This is science fiction stories for pulp magazines. The pay is poor and their attempts to become a serious writer fail after another. Kleo has a romantic view of the matter. Cree in the figure of the bohemian artist and misunderstood. However, Phil can not help feeling frustrated.
were the dark years of learning, marked by poverty, always on the edge of despair. They were also the years of American terror of communism and Phil began to receive visits from the FBI, who boldly proposed to him to watch his wife for them. Phil never stopped being psychologically unstable. The conspiracy of the government policies had affected their propensity to paranoia.
Besides, they decide to buy a small house in Point Reyes in Marin County. This is a rural village, far from bohemian to which they had become accustomed in Berkeley. Then call the attention of their neighbors. A few days later, receive a visit from Anne. A young widow of a writer of medium prestige. Phil and Anne fall in love. Kleo Phil separates and goes to live with Anne. Makes friends with the daughters of Anne. In 1960, Phil and Anne have one daughter. Phil is exactly the role of husband and father. Anne hoped the fate of the glory of Phil and provides financial support for Phil to devote himself fully to writing. Phil rented a cabin and is dedicated to his job as a systematic and orderly manner, respecting, even a time office. Write "Confessions of a crap artist, a realist novel attempt to look like a rabid argument against bourgeois life Anne and then share. Anne feels horrified by this book.
Based on amphetamines and constant work during those years, outlines the argument for most of his production. He also writes "The man in the castle," the novel that, until today, many consider his masterpiece. Dick received by that novel's prestigious Hugo Award, the highest honor that an American writer of science fiction can aspire. However, his personal life is a disaster. The dream becomes a nightmare. Everyone experiences with LSD and Dick subscribes to the trend. Phil is convinced that Anne has managed to kill her former husband and thinks he will do the same with him.
Phil accuses his wife of being crazy and end up locking up Anne in the asylum. Phil then recants and says that in reality it is he who is crazy. While Anne is locked up at the asylum, Phil has serious hallucinations. Ensures feel the presence of a face in the sky, not sure if this is the face of God or the devil but that presence is terrified. Phil converts to Catholicism. Are discharged to Anne. Phil writes a novel totally insane, with obvious allusions to the world of and drug experiences with LSD. Their marriage is untenable.
Flee again to Berkeley, where he discovers that things have changed radically since its absence. Any changes you like. It is the height of the LSD and the counterculture, and Phil has earned a prestigious place in that roster.
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