hedonism and permissiveness are the two new pillars that supports the lives of those men who want to escape and immerse themselves in a kaleidoscope of sensations increasingly sophisticated and narcissistic, that is, looking at life as a boundless joy.
One thing is to enjoy and savor life in so many aspects and this has, and quite another that maximalist aim is the desire and frenzy of fun without restrictions. The first is psychologically healthy and satisfies one of the dimensions of our nature, the latter, by contrast, points to the death of ideals.
The ideal consumer capitalist society has no other horizon than the multiplication or continual replacement by other objects to get better.
information has become a stream of data and news, but the important thing is to know what flows beneath it. When you forget to go to the substance, is lost in the anecdotal. There is a consumer bulimia events or developments that points toward sensationalism, which paralyzes the responsiveness of the informant to make a synthesis of what you get. All that does not educate, but forms a kind of inflated balloon that rises and then broken, leaving a trail that goes off at least until it rises another event, incident or circumstance that supersedes.
Light Man shows a relentless curiosity, but without a compass, misdirected, wants know everything and be well informed, but nothing more: this is the leap into anything. In contrast, the strong man seeks the truth so that it will make progress towards better personal development, to good, which is full of love, that is, to that which quenches the deep thirst for the infinite in all of us.
Happiness is having a project, which consists of goals, such as love, work and culture. It involves the complete realization of self, according to the possibilities of our condition. Do something with your life that really worth it.
Human love is a feeling of approval and affirmation of the other, by which our life has a new sense of search and desire to be with the other person. Since the initial attraction to falling in love is a long way to go, some are left half way, others thrive and achieve that desire to be side by side, one of the defining characteristics of love.
What is love someone? What does it mean? To love another person is to wish him well, look for it, treat it as an exception, giving the best of us. What initially attracted by the appearance physical beauty, which then becomes psychological and spiritual. In general we can say that the love-based and focused on physical beauty often has a poor prognosis.
What men need in life is love. To love and be loved. Happiness is not possible without love. To love another person is wanting their freedom, as close as possible to it, ie, the good. That is their ultimate goal. Help the other person to pull it up, help you outsource everything, you are contented and happy with their existence.
The sex
without love, the other is an object of pleasure. Do not look for the good of others, but the joy with him. Under no circumstances can call this true love, because we have used and manipulated to suit our pleasure to a loved one. In this relationship, the person using the other is selfish, egotistical and only pursues its own gratification.
authentic sexuality without love leads to a gradual vacuum that leads to boredom, indifference and skepticism.
The absolute can not be an option or subjected to un estudio estadístico por el que se alcanza la verdad porque lo dice la mayoría. Hay que buscar la verdad universal, aquella que está por encima de las ideas personales o las preferencias particulares.
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