Emilio Gauna shave in the barbershop Massantonio, who is staking a Meteor, a racehorse. Emilio Gauna bet the little money they have available and the horse wins. With the award, Gauna invites a group of friends to celebrate a big carnival celebrations. Between them, they resolved to invite the respected Doctor Valerga. The age difference between Valerga and his regular group of friends is remarkable. However, Dr. Valerga is usually mixed with the boys, acting as teacher and model.
feel a commitment to invite Massantonio that does not seem very interested in the matter, but that does not want to decline the invitation. Unfortunately, Larsen, the best friend of Emilio Gauna, he fell ill the same night they decide to embark on the adventure of the celebrations carnival. Once formed the group, they start to the claims, and it turns out, a celebration of Napoleon. Privateering privateering, walk the neighborhoods of the city. The memories are confused and crossed by alcohol and general revelry.
the dawn of the third night, Gauna is reminiscent of an important event, but can not remember anything accurately. Preserves a confused memory of a girl, hidden behind a mask. Gauna has been found in a forest and shelter have given some people who are entirely unknown. Although the venture has been vague and confusing, Gauna feel that has taken a genuine change in him. Then, everyday life is restored without noticeable changes.
Gauna divides his time between his work in Lambruschini workshop and meetings with friends, almost always in the same cafes. Hoping to hear some comments about what happened on the third night of carnival, Gauna visit to the hairdresser. Inexplicably, the barber avoided. Then he learns of his disappearance. Pracánico, the new barber Massantonio confesses he would have escaped the potential threat of a youth in which Gauna, surprise, it is recognized.
One afternoon, with suspicion and skepticism, but overcome by curiosity, Gauna and his friends visit Taboada, the sorcerer the neighborhood. The experience is unsettling. Although no one admits to believing in the supernatural, the truth is that Taboada not look like a phony. Taboada, speaking with Gauna, refers to the Mardi Gras festivities. Gauna understands that something important happened at night and feel the longing, the anxiety, to recall with precision the dark passages, but do not get it on their own and their friends prefer to avoid the subject.
On Saturday at the bakery, Gauna casually with Clara, the daughter of Brujo Taboada. They talk briefly and decided to meet that afternoon to go to the movies. Clara is an actress. Is rehearsing a play by Ibsen with his theater group. Gauna invited to attend the trial. Gauna accepted. With some surprise and some curiosity, Gauna discover the world of theater and its quirky characters, behind the scenes. Thereafter, Gauna and Clara start out, getting used to each other.
One day Clara Gauna cancel your appointment, apologizing for the visit of an aunt. Gauna decides to go alone to the movies and then dinner with Larsen. The next day, Clara and Gauna found on the test site. Then Clara tells him that is a lie that has come out with her aunt. In fact, Clare has come out with a reporter from the theater. However, he feels sorry and vows never again look to the journalist. Puzzled, Gauna test escapes. Feel a mixture of hatred, revenge, betrayal and despair. He wanders aimlessly through the city outdated.
then systematically avoids meet Clara. Has decided to forget it. At some point, Lambruschini invites its employees to have a picnic at the home of a relative of his wife. They are all consistent with the invitation and quickly made all the preparations. When the trip takes place, Gauna discovers that Clara has also been invited as a friend of Mrs. Lambruschini. At first Gauna accept with resignation that match and then with sincere joy. The relationship between Gaunt and Clara finds the right tone and finally end understood.
Since then, both fall in love with each other, with sincerity, dedication and joy. Although Gauna through moments of resentment, knowing that their lives and can not remain unchanged. Perceived that her relationship with Clara inevitably adjust their single life and relationship with friends and that will produce some moments of dissatisfaction and distress, but those moments are not persistent enough to sour their relationship with Clara, little by little, increasingly solidifies.
Clara's father decides to give them your home. The only property you have. Their legacy in the world. Gauna must become over the mortgage. Gauna and Clara are married. They are going to live together. Arguably, Gauna has settled down, though he has never stopped thinking about the carnival. In that mysterious night in this mysterious woman. Meanwhile, Clara's father becomes ill and dies one day. In the last conversation you have with your child, Tabor asked to take care of Gaunt.
been three years since Gauna bet on Meteor. Convinced of the fortune that has given the old barber asks again to recommend who to bet. Pracánico not know horses, but a client suggests a name. Gauna trusts and hit again. This time, even further gains money than before. Gauna want to relive the events of yesterday. As happened then. Redo the same route, the same route. Perhaps excited by the possibility of recovering lost memories. His friends go along, but the group can not be exactly the same as they have lost track of Massantonio.
The idea of \u200b\u200breliving the events is perhaps not correct. Perhaps the events are, after all, unique. Time has passed and Gauna is not the same, nor his companions. It hurts to check that no longer feels the same affinity Valerga. Gauna's enthusiasm is lost and renewed at intervals. An impulse that goes beyond it, with its emphasis Gauna itinerary. At some point, rest on an acquaintance of Valerga. Gauna has a strange dream in which present a game of cards, including mythological heroes.
The third night, Gauna and his friends end up in the Armenonville. A dance hall where, at last, Gauna find what you're looking for. Among the crowd, recognizes women of the mask. The woman who has haunted him all these years. Get to meet with her and discovers that the woman is none other than Clara. His wife. Although both show signs of having known each other, neither an explicit reference. Then, between the noise and dancing, both are lost view.
Clara Gaunt leaves the room, toward the forest. Terrified, she asks her partner (who has been there, and made her company that night) to help you seek. He explains that the boy is her husband and that she understands what is reliving the events as they occurred three years ago, when I knew. Is clear that what Gauna not know is that the intended destination for the night was his own death. However, Gauna know what to expect and accept it with courage. Even happy in their own way, knowing that, at death, you can retrieve your destination.
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