breaking work. Vanguard. Marked by the incorporation of vernacular literary language. The paradox posed by modern refers to what may be the recovery of the primitive. Mario de Andrade, Oswald de Andrade with and many others, was part of that long-range movement known as cannibalism. "Metaphor of devouring ritual based on cultural criteria (integration of selected foreign ideas). What more you have in mind is that the Indian supernatural adapted to real life, implying a rejection of European rationalism cold. " (Julio Henriquez).
Taking as its starting point the work of the German ethnologist Koch Grunberg, who has studied the myths and legends of the Indians and Arekuna Taulipang, Macunaíma is based on two pillars fundamental: the total incorporation of the Brazilian language literary language and the integration of the mythological imagery of popular culture, syncretic and ethnic mixing. Pioneering work, heroic-comic, picaresque, it is removed, so satirical, the stark difference between culture previously dominated by elites and popular culture.
Before giving a commentary on his film adaptation, will discuss a text by Sergio Wolf, published in the book Film / Literature:
"Reading transpositions often leads to an inevitable path list that deals with what the analyst become researcher understands that they are the tracks of crime: scenes that were missing in the text and in the movie, characters they were called, they said, or were in some way and are now called, say, and are another, the outcome was so and is now another, the action was set in place and now stands on another. As this problem usually arises, everything ends up being like a game where he stands on the machine analyzes punitive in polygraph insightful and alterations in the executor of intellectual property titles in painstaking guardian of the texts, like you can learn rules mnemonics and exposed for showcasing vain. (...) Those who carry out this operation, usually tips its moral sanction metaphor, developing a vocabulary that fatigue words like fidelity or adultery, not a true dimension in terms of analysis, but exposing an implicit view not clear from the tools used. This line of work on the transposition is exhausted itself because it only deals with detecting, at a quantitative level and impressionistic, the differences between literary text and film. What is missing here is the reason for the changes, speculation about what procedures were adopted and for what purpose, the intrinsic problems of transposition work. (...) The fidelity or adultery of a text into a movie nothing more than moral dimensions, never linked to the specific theme and issues. The question should focus on the reasons for the changes and continuities, and the effects they produce. "
Macunaíma If we are faced with a particularly impressive because of the difficulty transposition argument affects not only the original text, but format. The very style of the literary work is characterized by tendency to subscribe to the formal experimentation with language, play with the sound of words, the total adjustment problems. In this regard, Sergio Wolf thinks that you should ask is whether there are ways of telling literary arguments can not be converted into forms of narrative film plots. A priori, I can not imagine a film adaptation of the order of Macunaíma works. However, in this case, the result is excellent. As mentioned above, a good adaptation is not necessarily a faithful adaptation of the original text, but keeps Macunaíma almost complete fidelity to the text, without ceasing to be a compelling and captivating cinematic storytelling, even when all formal experimentation games language is irretrievably lost. Ultimately, the film turns into a totally different experience.
The inability to incorporate all of a sudden intellectually a story told with the stylistic and structural complexity Macunaíma, makes the text difficult reading experience that can run the sort of lose interest for the reader. The film, by the characteristics of film language, is, in this regard, a less arduous experience. Overall, I think it is simpler to understand a story to be told visually to be read from a text. At least when it is an experimental text.
In conclusion, I think it is an exceptional case Macunaíma adaptive / literary transposition should not miss for any reason.
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